December was a busy month for our family. Christmas shopping was impossible with a newborn so it was not as bountiful as years past. This was also the first month I finally felt like I kind of had the hang of the motherhood thing. Lyla started sleeping and eating more on schedule and I got some sleep.
Lyla got to celebrate Christmas twice! She got a Baby Einstein jumper, some Cajun Christmas books, and some smaller toys from Santa. She got a bunch of neat clothes and some great handmade gifts from her Nino and Aunts Teri and Alicia. Her Nana and Grandpa got her a singing stage. That was her favorite gift. She loved looking at herself and at the lights. The songs are pretty catchy and I seem to sing them all of the time. She also got some Leap Frog musical instruments and an aquarium for her crib from the rest of my family. She had a great first Christmas and was very spoiled. We will have to work on that for next year but it was just too much fun to shop for her very first Christmas!
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